You have written to us about the non-compliance breach notice we placed on a vehicle registered in your name.

Traffic Monitoring Services Pty Ltd has been engaged by Secure Parking to act as an agent to issue non compliance breach notices. Secure Parking operates car parks like this one for owners.  Owners normally include adjacent businesses who offer parking as a service to customers.

The car park is private land and owners have the right to decide who may park there.  As you would expect, owners are keen to ensure that parkers are genuine customers.  If parking spaces are full because other people choose to park for free or for extended periods the businesses would suffer.

Parkers are therefore only invited to enter and park on the basis of the terms and conditions which are displayed.  Secure Parking takes care to ensure that these terms are clear and prominent.  Secure Parking is confident that parkers should be in no doubt that by entering the car park they are entering into an agreement.  The agreement provides that if the vehicle overstays the parker is liable for breaching the terms.  This is all clear from the terms and it is a legal contract.

We stress that these arrangements are in place to protect the businesses who work with Secure Parking.  They are also there for the convenience of genuine customers.

Secure Parking is always willing to consider any individual case, for example if it can be demonstrated that a parker was in fact a customer of the business or if there is some other reason why the breach notice is unfair.

The businesses who work with Secure Parking welcome your comments and your custom but do require that all parkers comply with the agreement formed when parkers accept the invitation to enter the private car park.

You are receiving this document because Secure Parking does not consider from your correspondence that the amount is not due or should be waived. Accordingly the amount due is claimed.  You should attend to payment without further delay.